AI Precompiles

A precompile is a special contract that is compiled into the EVM and is executed by the EVM itself. Precompiles are used to provide additional functionality to developers building on Axonum.

Axonum has additional precompiles that are not present on Ethereum. These precompiles are designed to provide additional functionality to developers building on Axonum. The following precompiles are available on Axonum:

Inference Precompile

Address: 0xa1

The inference precompile is used to run machine learning models on Axonum.

  • Input:

    • model_address (bytes32): See Available models

    • input_data (bytes): The input data for the model

    • output_size (uint256): The size of the output data in bytes

  • Output:

    • The output data from the model (bytes)

Available models

Model Address
Model Name
Prompt Template




To use the inference precompile, check out how to deploy on AI EVM.

Last updated